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Vol.26  A Morning Cleaning a Temple Full of Memories

   Shingetsu-in Temple is located in the center of Kawakami Village’s Kodako district, and is actually right in front of my house. Though it is a Soto Buddhist temple, regardless of sect, the locals clean this temple once every summer and once every winter. Just before 7:30 on the morning of December 8th, I heard the rickety sound of doors sliding open, and people exchanging morning greetings with one another. The winter cleaning would be starting soon.

   Warming himself next to the temple’s stove heater, Isao-ni gestured to the low chair next to him, “Here, have a seat,” he said. The old man began telling me about the Isewan Typhoon and the temple. “After the Isewan Typhoon, we all carried lumber from that mountain, and rebuilt the temple ourselves.” In such a difficult time, the locals contributed both their labor and the money to the reconstruction of this temple. “We truly had everyone’s cooperation,” the Isao-ni emphasized.

   Isao-ni took out the vacuum cleaner, and vacuumed the temple’s tatami mats and floors. My next door neighbor, Yori-ne, brought a small stool over to me, and the elderly woman asked, “Eric, sorry, but would you wipe the top of the shelf?”. As I stood on the stool, I wiped up the dust and cob webs with a wet rag. On that cold morning, the rag gradually turned cold and dirtry, but Yori-ne was always quick to bring me a clean, warm one to replace it. When the hum of the vacuum cleaner stopped, voices of older women chatting and the sound of leaves being swept in the garden drifted into the temple. Since I was moving the whole time, I gradually forgot about how cold it was that morning.

   The busy work ended after 9:30, and we all had warm coffee and snacks in the community building next door. Isao-ni told me about the monk named Miyamoto who used to be at Shingetsu-in Temple. “He’d teach calligraphy to the kids, and looked after everyone,” he said. Children often borrowed comic books like Buddha and Phoenix from the temple’s large bookshelf. Mr. Miyamoto welcomed everyone regardless of sect, and often read sutras and held haiku writing meetings.Though Miyamoto passed away 23 years ago, the people of Kodako still clean Shingetsu-in Temple twice a year, and are taking care of this temple.

   Though it may not be as lively as it once was, Shingetsu-in Temple still holds many memories for the locals. After the typhoon, the locals worked together and were able to rebuild the temple. Thanks to that, Mr. Miyamoto was able to welcome many people and children, and created many beautiful memories. Working together and taking care of one another are things that go beyond religion or sect. That is what I felt as I listened to Isao-ni, and that is why I wanted to write about this. Just like Yori-ne bringing me the warm rags on that cold morning, the people of Kodako are taking care of the temple while continuing to have a heart that looks after one another.

いいね または フォローしてね!

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