The Final Episode On the Mountain Next Door, a Day Felling Trees
“This is the time when we can look at the mountains, and it’s easy to tell the difference between cedars and cypresses,” Mr. Tamai told me, as we stood and chatted at this year’s dondo-yaki in Kodako, Kawakami Village. “The cedars have turned a little brown. The cypresses are still green.” There are many people in Kawakami Village who do work related to Yoshino Forestry, and this man is one of them. Managing forests of planted trees as a yamamori, Mr. Tamai has worked in these mountains for the past 40 years. He lives right near me, and always welcomed my participation in the local volunteer fire department, festivals, and other events with a warm smile. I would be leaving this village at the end of March, but before that, I wanted to go with Mr. Tamai into the mountains, as he had always been so kind to me.
On a cloudy morning in early February, I went with him into the mountains on a day of tree felling. “How old are these trees today?” I asked. “Hmm, about 160 years old,” he answered nonchalantly. Along with two of his friends, Mr. Masao Otsuji and Mr. Shuji Kominami, we climbed up and up the narrow, snaking forestry path. Trees soared about 30 meters high, and their shade was cold on my face and skin. After climbing the path for about 30 minutes, we arrived at the work site. Countless cypress trees were densely planted on the steep slope of the mountain.
Felling a tree involves cutting near the base of the tree with a chainsaw, then pulling the trunk with a rope so it falls up onto the slope of the mountain. Mr. Tamai tied a rope lightly around the cypress tree, climbed up the slope of the mountain a bit, and in one quick swoop, threw the rope up in the air. The 20-meter-long rope whipped like a wave, and the loop of the rope climbed up the trunk. He repeatedly threw the rope, and the loop climbed little by little, eventually reaching a point a few meters higher than all of our heads. The sound of Mr. Otsuji’s chainsaw stopped, and the tree began leaning toward the mountain slope. The base of the tree cracked open, then the sound of branches scraping the trees around it, and its leaves lightly floated down around us. The tree came falling down with a boom that seemed to reverberate all across the mountain.
They repeated this work, felling dozens of trees by early evening, but that excited nervousness I had in the moment a tree fell never changed. The trees are overwhelmingly huge and heavy, so maybe that feeling was an instinctual reaction. These trees grew to be this big in a span that was twice a human lifetime, and thinking about both the tree’s weight and the length of its life reminded me of how fragile it is to be human.
Mr. Tamai and his friends shouldered their tools, and made their way back down the long path to the base of the mountain. After changing into their shoes, they each got into their light truck. Through his window, Mr. Tamai gave me the same warm smile as always, waved to me, and drove off into the evening.