平尾さんの家が昔からきゅうりを作れないという話は、村内でよく知られている。そのおかげで、近所のみなさんは平尾さんに毎年きゅうりをたくさん届ける。「多いです! 今年もげんにいに100本もいただいたんです」。地元の人にとっては当たり前かもしれないが、こんな行動に村民さんの温かさと思いやりが表れていると僕は思う。
Vol.4 The House That Doesn’t Grow Cucumbers
The people of Kawakami Village refer to kappa as gataro. Residents send their first cucumbers of the season down the river to the gataro gods. People avoid eating cucumbers before river fishing. If a gataro catches the scent of a cucumber, it will come and scare the fish away. When I hear stories like this, the line between daily life and folklore disappears, and new colors emerge in the everyday world.
There is a story from a long time ago in the Sogio district of Kawakami Village. A person named Nakasogi was washing his horse in the Nakaoku River when suddenly, a gataro took the horse’s shirikodama (it is said that a creature”s soul is inside its shirikodama). When the horse’s shirikodama were taken, it lost its spirit and vitality, so Nakasogi negotiated with the gataro. If the gataro would save the horse, Nakasogi promised to never grow cucumbers again. The Nakasogi house kept that promise for many generations, but when they tried growing cucumbers again, they found that accidents, sickness, and other incidents of bad luck would occur.
This story has been told from generation to generation in the Nakasogi household. Born and raised in this house, Ikuyo Hirao (76) remembers first hearing about not being able to grow cucumbers when she was a first grader in elementary school. These days, she grows onions, potatoes, black beans, taro, etc., but, “I never grow cucumbers,” she said very clearly. “Even if my neighbor, Gen-ni (from the september issue) grows them, I never help with the harvesting or clean up work. I won’t even touch a leaf. I don’t want anything bad to happen to anyone in my family.”
It is well known in our village that Ms. Hirao’s house can’t grow cucumbers. Thanks to that, neighbors bring her many cucumbers every year. “So many! Gen-ni gave me a hundred cucumbers this year, again.” It may be normal for the locals, but I feel that that this kind of gesture shows the warmth and compassion that many people in this village have to give.
Just as she was told by the previous generation, Ms. Hirao is telling the next generation the story about cucumbers. Her grandchild, a second year junior high school student, wanted to go to Kawakami Junior High School instead of the school in town, and has been enjoying living with Ms. Hirao for the last year. Harvesting and carrying vegetables, her grandchild works very hard while helping with garden work. Another grandchild comes, and the three of them work outside. Since it is summer, the cucumbers they received from everyone are especially delicious. Though she is tried a lot of different cucumber recipes, Ms. Hirao prefers the simplest way of eating them. “Just wash them and munch on them raw, that’s how they’re most delicious. My grandchildren imitate me, and eat them just like that.” Perhaps a gataro would enjoy eating them the same way.