In the Shade of the Shrine
The morning of the first of every month, seven of us in Kawakami Village’s Kodako district clean Otoshi Shrine. On June 1st, I climbed the long steps up to the shrine, and arrived at the shrine grounds at half past seven without a person in site. I took off my hat and handmade mask, and paid respects to the shrine under the torii gate. I took in the lively songs of the narcissus flycatchers and the light spilling through trees onto the shrine grounds as I began picking up fallen cedar leaves. Whether by steps or by monorail, other people soon made their way up, and we all worked on cleaning the shrine. Our community manager showed me how to prepare the offerings to the main shrine. The salt we had offered the last month was still there in the raised dish, but the dish of rice was now empty. It had probably been eaten by monkeys or other animals from the forest. After washing both dishes in the shrine’s water basin, I poured a small mountain of rice into one dish, and did the same with the salt in the other. We offered those along with the sakaki branches to the main shrine.
The older women knelt down to the ground, gathered fallen leaves, and burned them in the shrine’s drum can. Our manager cut the long branches of a bush with a sickle and tossed them into an empty area of the mountain. I used a weed wacker to cut all of the grass that had grown tall on the shrine grounds. Soon, our most senior man arrived, using his cane to climb up those long steps. He took out his sickle and joined our manager in cutting branches. After about 30 minutes of work, all of the sweat that had gathered on our faces glistened in the morning sun.
When the cleaning was finished, the older women sat on the bench outside the shrine’s shed, and prepared juice and snacks for everyone. The older men and I pulled out some old saw-horse stands and sat on those. Our most senior man didn’t sit on any of those, instead slowly bending down in a shady spot, and sitting comfortably on the soft shrine grounds. We all took off our masks, and had the usual chat while partaking in the juice and snacks.
“Eric, a horse was walking. The horse was facing west. Which direction was its tail pointing?,” our manager asked me out of nowhere.
I thought I might be getting tricked as usual and gave it a lot of thought, but answered, “Umm, east?”
“The tail was pointing down!,” he said matter-of-factly.
With concerns over COVID-19 this year, many events were cancelled and we didn’t have any chances to gather with our neighbors, but this monthly cleaning of the shrine continued. While wearing masks and keeping a safe distance from one another, sweating together and laughing helped us temporarily recover our usual sense of “normalcy”. Even if it was just for a short time, we were able to reconnect with an element that had been missing from this year’s spring. Regardless of how the world changes going forward, the shrine’s trees will grow, the grounds will be covered with fallen leaves, and the monkeys will probably come to eat the rice again. So we too will climb those long steps again next month.