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Vol.19  The Trick to Making Delicious Takuan Pickles

 In my first year in Kawakami Village, I discovered the treasure known as homemade takuan pickles. Many locals of Kawakami Village would humbly say things like, “These are little salty, but…”, and then give me some of their homemade takuan pickles. I enjoyed taking my time and tasting all of the unique flavors. I often ate meals of just takuan pickles, rice, and miso soup. I was so into takuan pickles during my first year that, naturally, I wanted to try making my own in my second year. I googled the required equipment and ingredients, and tried making it myself, but it didn’t go very well. I tried making them my second and third year here, but they grew moldy every time. Even after trying the ones that didn’t have any mold, they didn’t taste very good.

 This winter, I decided to ask some older women who I’ve gotten to know since coming here. These two live nearby and are takuan pickle veterans. The more experienced of the two explained how to dissolve the vinegar, sugar, and salt, The other spoke to me through her cough mask and added important things like, “You can’t let it boil!” or “Make sure you use grain vinegar.” I repeated what they said, to clarify both the steps and my own understanding. The woman removed her cough mask and quickly explained, “After everything has dissolved, let the vinegar cool. The dried daikon radishes are in the tub, right. When that vinegar is cool, just dump it all in, then you throw a heavy rock on top, and ta-dah! You’re all done!” The three of us laughed together. “It’s easy!”

 I cut the daikon radishes vertically in half and dried them for three days. After dissolving the vinegar, sugar, and salt in my kitchen, the smell of vinegar lingered for two days. I dumped the vinegar in the tub and put a heavy rock on top as I was told, but just to be safe, I had the veterans take a look at it. “Yup, yup, it’s good,” one of them said, removing her finger from the vinegar in the barrel and tasting it. “You can use this vinegar again, so if the pickles end up salty, just add more sugar and adjust the flavor,” the older woman said, sharing some of her precious wisdom with me.

 When I first wanted to make my own takuan pickles, I didn’t even consider asking one of my neighbors. Perhaps it is because I’m from a generation that first googles things we don’t know. However, takuan pickles require a process that googling can’t provide. Of course there is the back-and-forth to clarify my understanding, and the taste-check that only a veteran can provide, but I think that laughing together is also an important element in the recipe too. That’s the trick to making delicious takuan pickles, and it took me three years to figure that out. This year’s homemade takuan pickles still require a few more weeks. Though I plan to eat them myself, this year for the first time, I want to be able to confidently say, “These are little salty, but…”, and hand them to the kind people I am indebted to.

いいね または フォローしてね!

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